Our family moved to Philadelphia from Chicago 18 years ago and I still am in awe of where we, gardeners from birth, landed. Not only did the Founding Fathers instill here a tradition of horticulture, but the climate allows for an array of trees, shrubs and perennials that is simply spectacular.
I have been so blessed to find a successful calling in Philadelphia for landscape/garden design, as much for its history and palette (a palette because it is indeed a process not unlike layering paint on a canvas that we do) as for the many warm and wonderful people we’ve worked with through the years and a crew that’s like family. This season, my son Jackson rejoined us. Photos here are of a corner of our beautiful, if too often like the cobbler’s shoes, 200+ year old property and two of the nursery areas taken in spring before brimming beyond their borders. (Current pics I won’t share with you…bordering on chaos!)
Distilling our mission these years to a few words: We Aim To Provide Delight. It’s been a joy. We’ve been thinking for some time of ways to spread that joy beyond the realm of the landscape and Philadelphia, too. The web site you’re visiting now will be the launching pad for our new project. I do hope your curiosity is piqued and that you’ll stay tuned and sign up to take the ride with us. No annoying overkill of emails, we promise! Along the way, lots of practical information, steals ‘n deals, style and relaxation and entertaining tips and hopefully for you, delectable inspiration. Feel free to contribute your own ideas, questions, resources, tips, pics, and comments.
“Gardens are not made by singing Oh How Beautiful and sitting in the shade.”
Rudyard Kipling
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